Dr. Machik is a senior doctor and professor of Sowa Rigpa. He began studying Sowa Rigpa in 1983 with one of the most prominent physicians - Dr. Jigme la. In his clinical work he specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of rheumatic conditions.
Education background
Dr. Machig Sogdzon practices in Amdo, Northeastern Tibet. He began learning Sowa Rigpa in 1983 with Dr. Jigme. In 1989 he enrolled at Lhasa University to study Sowa Rigpa. After completing 5 years of medical training and graduating from the Tibetan Medical College, Dr. Machig returned to Amdo to work as a doctor in Malho Hospital, where he has now been practicing and teaching for over 30 years.
His medical lineage is based on the famous Chagpori Medical School, incorporating both of the historical Zur and Jang traditions, yet focusing on the former. In his clinical work he specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of rheumatic conditions.
His medical lineage is based on the famous Chagpori Medical School, incorporating both of the historical Zur and Jang traditions, yet focusing on the former. In his clinical work he specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of rheumatic conditions.
His teachings
Dr. Machik has been teaching various subjects on Sorig pathology also to TTM students in west.
He is known amongst TTM students for his vast knowledge on
He is admired for his kindheartedness and unceasing commitment to preserve and promote Sowa Rigpa, either traveling to the West for teaching purpose, or treating local patients wherever he resides every single day of his life without rest.
He will give again teachings in the west in October 2023 in the Sowa Rigpa Väluste School Estonia. Teaching will be about hot disorders and comparison of hot and cold disorders. Dr. Machik choosed subject, because he have seen, that topic is essential to adopt for western students. Teaching is suitable for students who minimally studied root Tantra.
He is known amongst TTM students for his vast knowledge on
- materia medica,
- theoretical pharmacology,
- and the actual practice of collecting and preparing Tibetan medical formulas as demonstrated at all of TTM Sorig Tours to Tibet.
He is admired for his kindheartedness and unceasing commitment to preserve and promote Sowa Rigpa, either traveling to the West for teaching purpose, or treating local patients wherever he resides every single day of his life without rest.
He will give again teachings in the west in October 2023 in the Sowa Rigpa Väluste School Estonia. Teaching will be about hot disorders and comparison of hot and cold disorders. Dr. Machik choosed subject, because he have seen, that topic is essential to adopt for western students. Teaching is suitable for students who minimally studied root Tantra.
Dr. Machik choosed the subject, because he has seen, that this topic is essential to adopt for western students.
His teachings are advanced digging in to meanings on TTM terms, it will be good for every student who have studied Sowa Rigpa to repeat teachings in its depth. Only in combining local teachings and highly educated and experienced teachers like dr. Machik we can understand Sowa Rigpa in its depth.
Dr. Machik and Drukmo Gyal filmed a short video to explain the reason and content of the teachings in Väluste, Estonia in Octiber 2023.
Dr. Machik and Drukmo Gyal filmed a short video to explain the reason and content of the teachings in Väluste, Estonia in Octiber 2023.
We are very touched, that dr. Machik agreed to come teach, it will be he`s first teaching after Covid pandemic in the west. You are very welcomed to participate on site or through Zoom.